...because to purchase an Organic Art painting you will be required to PAY THE TRUE COST of producing the artwork by performing a set amount of hours working to aid the environment.

It is up to you what work you do (so long as it meets the criteria of your contract) and you will have a year to complete it. So what are you waiting for?
Contact the artist here
Organic Art is produced by suspending pigments such as ground clays, ochre, charcoal, verdigris, gypsum and oyster shell in a vehicle of linseed oil and pine gum. Processed as little as possible I use these crude paints to produce stylized images in order to paint environmentally inspired subjects onto handmade paper.
Wherever possible the fibers used to produce the paper are locally sourced and pertain to the subject of the painting in some way.
The frames also are made (wherever possible) from reclaimed material such as old fence posts or flotsam that has washed up on the beach.

Each painting is sold with an accompanying Provenance Document containing information regarding the inspiration for the work, what materials were used in the manufacture and a copy of the purchase agreement. Here is an example of the provenance document that accompanies the painting Chivvy, with the purchaser having agreed to undertake 50 hours doing data analysis for the Catlins Bat Project in order to take possession.

Here is an example of a Purchase Agreement


Title: Penguin
Hand colored screen print
Price - 10 hours enviro-work
Title: Sprite
Hand colored screen print
Price - 10 hours enviro-work
Title: Albatross
Hand colored screen print
Price - 10 hours enviro-work
Title: Kiwi
Hand colored screen print
Price - 10 hours enviro-work

Title: Central Otago
Paper: South Island Tussock
Pigments: Central Otago clays
Price - 30 hours enviro-work
Title: Harmony
Frame: old fence posts
Backing board: 5 ply washed up on beach
Pigments: green - verdigris, terracotta, broken plant pot
Price - 35 hours enviro-work

Title: Tree-cycle
Paper: Jute
Pigments: ground clays, verdigris and charcoal
Price 40 hours enviro-work
Title: Intenature
Paper: recycled brown paper and marram grass
Pigments: ground clays and charcoal
Price 50 hours enviro-work